院長が最もお世話になった臨床家R. M. Rickettsは、 生前およそ70の生物学原理がBioprogressiveにはあるだろうと話されましたが、残念ながら散逸してしまい、現在は目にする機会がありません。
Ricketts の生物学原理(臨床思考のバックボーン)
臨床者が依拠する原理の質、種類の豊富さ、組み合わせ方が、実践を通してそのひとなりの Philosophyを培う.
Bioprogressiveのきわだつ特徴は、生物学原理を自在に援用した、最大非侵襲・最大成果を旨とする臨床思考だ. だから時代ごとに現れる新技術・新知見をどんどん呑み込んで発展する.
Core valueは、“First select procedures that will make money and still produce the highest quality possible”.
- Adenoid / Large tonsils
- Adult subtle growth change
- Advantage of growth
- Advantage of orthopedics
- Allergies
- Arch form
- Arch integration
- Arch sectioning for anchorage
- Arcial growth mechanism
- Ardrey’s human drives
- Bite opening before contraction
- Catch up growth
- Compensation
- Condylar alpha position
- Corpus axis
- Consistency of oral gnomon
- Cortical bone anchorage
- Cortical bone avoidance
- Cranial base (Basion-Nasion palne)
- Cutoff (age)
- Cybernetic Feedback in Planning
- Different feature between Maxilla and Mandible
- Ellipses on the cone
- Extra-oral anchorage
- Four-position procedure
- Frequency of distribution
- Frictionless techniques
- Golden section / Divine proportion law for beauty
- Gravity and anti-gravity system
- Hierarchy of cranium structure
- Intermittent heavier force
- Interstitial fluid
- Juvenile growth spurt
- Know natural growth mechanism
- Know normal swallowing
- Know orthodontic possibilities
- Know orthopedic possibilities
- Know the feature of ligaments
- Learn all methods
- Light continuous force
- Long-range growth forecasting(VTG)
- Lower jaw complex
- Lower third molars
- Meta-Positioning
- Mid face complex
- Muscle anchorage
- Nasal cavity / Turbinates
- Nasopharyngeal space
- Nature & Bioprogressive Therapeutic Occlusion
- Natural distalization of premolars
- Overtreatment
- Pre-torquing formulas
- Progressive entrance
- Progressive withdrawal
- Possibilities of early treatment
- Remove hazards
- Root rating scale
- Select the most appropriate therapy
- Sequences or progressions
- Slow palatal separation
- Space before rotational correction
- Staging sequence or Sequential treatment
- Summary analysis
- Sub-labial release
- Three-basic plane
- Three-dimensional control
- Three types of abnormal swallowing
- Unlocking of the malocclusion
- Utilize A-Po plane
- Utilize prefabrication
- Utilize pterygoid point
- Utilize the buccal plane
- Utilize Xi pont
- Vertical growth (chin, mid-face)
- Vertical growth (ramus, condyle)