



院長が最もお世話になった臨床家R. M. Rickettsは、 生前およそ70の生物学原理がBioprogressiveにはあるだろうと話されましたが、残念ながら散逸してしまい、現在は目にする機会がありません。








Ricketts の生物学原理(臨床思考のバックボーン)

臨床者が依拠する原理の質、種類の豊富さ、組み合わせ方が、実践を通してそのひとなりの Philosophyを培う.
Bioprogressiveのきわだつ特徴は、生物学原理を自在に援用した、最大非侵襲・最大成果を旨とする臨床思考だ. だから時代ごとに現れる新技術・新知見をどんどん呑み込んで発展する.
Core valueは、“First select procedures that will make money and still produce the highest quality possible”.


    1. Adenoid / Large tonsils
    2. Adult subtle growth change
    3. Advantage of growth
    4. Advantage of orthopedics
    5. Allergies
    6. Arch form
    7. Arch integration
    8. Arch sectioning for anchorage
    9. Arcial growth mechanism
    10. Ardrey’s human drives
    11. Bite opening before contraction
    12. Catch up growth
    13. Compensation
    14. Condylar alpha position
    15. Corpus axis
    16. Consistency of oral gnomon
    17. Cortical bone anchorage
    18. Cortical bone avoidance
    19. Cranial base (Basion-Nasion palne)
    20. Cutoff (age)
    21. Cybernetic Feedback in Planning
    22. Different feature between Maxilla and Mandible
    23. Ellipses on the cone
    24. Extra-oral anchorage
    25. Four-position procedure
    26. Frequency of distribution
    27. Frictionless techniques
    28. Golden section / Divine proportion law for beauty
    29. Gravity and anti-gravity system
    30. Hierarchy of cranium structure
    31. Intermittent heavier force
    32. Interstitial fluid
    33. Juvenile growth spurt
    34. Know natural growth mechanism
    35. Know normal swallowing
    36. Know orthodontic possibilities
    37. Know orthopedic possibilities
    38. Know the feature of ligaments
    39. Learn all methods
    40. Light continuous force
    41. Long-range growth forecasting(VTG)
    42. Lower jaw complex
    43. Lower third molars
    44. Meta-Positioning
    45. Mid face complex
    46. Muscle anchorage
    47. Nasal cavity / Turbinates
    48. Nasopharyngeal space
    49. Nature & Bioprogressive Therapeutic Occlusion
    50. Natural distalization of premolars
    51. Overtreatment
    52. Pre-torquing formulas
    53. Progressive entrance
    54. Progressive withdrawal
    55. Possibilities of early treatment
    56. Remove hazards
    57. Root rating scale
    58. Select the most appropriate therapy
    59. Sequences or progressions
    60. Slow palatal separation
    61. Space before rotational correction
    62. Staging sequence or Sequential treatment
    63. Summary analysis
    64. Sub-labial release
    65. Three-basic plane
    66. Three-dimensional control
    67. Three types of abnormal swallowing
    68. Unlocking of the malocclusion
    69. Utilize A-Po plane
    70. Utilize prefabrication
    71. Utilize pterygoid point
    72. Utilize the buccal plane
    73. Utilize Xi pont
    74. Vertical growth (chin, mid-face)
    75. Vertical growth (ramus, condyle)


